Our Full Time Family Travel Life!

‘Our Adventure’ posts are a journal of our full time family travel adventure, where we currently are, what we are up to, and how things are going behind the scenes. We would love to hear your comments and questions – please leave them below in the comment section. Thanks! This weekend was our Friends camping …

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Our Full Time Family RV Adventure – Wisconsin Dells!

This is part of our full time family RV adventure series where we share a behind the scenes look at our life and what we have done during the past week. If you want to get notified about these posts please sign up for our Our Adventure email list where we will send you an email …

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RV Living With Kids – What We’ve Learned After 2 Years

We have lived full time on the road for 2 Years – WOW! We can’t believe it has been that long and on the other hand it feels like we have always lived this life of full time travels. Last year at this time I wrote a post about 10 Things We Learned From 365 …

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Tips For A Successful Trip To An Art Museum With Kids

We recently wrote a post about places to avoid with kids. We mentioned things like places you needed to be quiet or places you had to wait in line. One of the places we mentioned was art museums and how we wouldn’t recommend visiting an Art Museum with kids. As we stated in the post, …

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Avoid when traveling with kids

Places To Avoid When Traveling With Kids

When traveling with kids, we are firm believers that you can go and do pretty much everything you could do without kids. However, we definitely have a list of things we avoid or take a lot of time preparing and planning to keep the situation under control. Plus, we also set very different expectations on how …

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Our Favorite Dog Friendly Places

We have been pleasantly surprised by how many dog friendly places there are! Just today we were in Greenfield, South Carolina where there were dogs sitting by the owners outside of almost every restaurant we walked by. Then we walked by a couple with a snake each draped around their neck! Right, they weren’t dogs, …

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Visit A National Park: Best. Vacation. Ever.

We’ve put together a list of our national park adventures to inspire you to get out and visit one or more!  We bought an annual pass for $80, which is a great deal, and have visited several parks around the US. They’re so amazing and yet so different, ranging from mountains to oceans to historic …

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16 Reasons to stay overnight at Legoland Florida

When we were in the Orlando area we had an opportunity to visit Legoland Florida again and this time we got to stay at the new Legoland hotel and we had an amazing time! Also, be sure to check out our Florida Road Trip as this is a stop on the route! Legoland is perfect …

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How To Start A Blog

Alright, so you’re ready to start a blog. Congratulations! Well, I know when I started I was pretty intimidated by the whole process and I’m a computer science major! Well, with all the info out there and different companies to purchase your domain and hosting services through, as well as being sure you having the …

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The #1 Thing that Stops People From Living Their Dreams

The #1 thing that stops people from living their dreams is FEAR. It almost stopped us from starting our Crazy Family Adventure. Several times. Where does fear come from? Fear stems from so many places which is why it is so hard to manage and overcome. Here are a few examples of our fears: Not …

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How We Keep Our Life Simplified

One of the reasons we started to look into making a life change was the desire to make our life more simplified. We had built this amazing house on a half acre lot and had tons of toys and things, but all of that started to feel so suffocating. The basement storage was overflowing, the house …

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Palm Beach Zoo A Great Family Time!

When you walk into the Palm Beach Zoo, you don’t feel like you are walking into a zoo, but instead like you are walking through a forest. There is so much greenery and trees! Don’t worry, the animals are enclosed, but the zoo did a great job of not making it seem like they are! Plus …

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